Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ceremony of 12

Have you ever read the book The Giver by Lois Lowrey?  I have not but its definitely on my list now. Evidently its about a fictitious idyllic community where citizens are not given any say on who they will marry, or if they will have children, or what job they will have.  In the book, there is a Ceremony of 12 in which the 12 year olds are assigned their life assignments.  Our 6th Grade Literature teacher assigned this book and then simulated the Ceremony of 12.  One of the students was assigned the Director of Technology position so he reported to our Tech Office.  For a full hour he went through the mice we used for our ERB (standardized tests) in the Spring and made sure they are all in working order.  He also made a spreadsheet.  I'm not sure if he liked his life assignment but it sure was great for us.  One task off the list for the spring!  

If you would like to view his assignment 

Monday, December 7, 2015

StopMotion in the Science Classroom

OK.  I am going to post one thing before Christmas.  I belong to an awesome group called Houston Area Independent School Collaborative (HAISC)   We are meeting four times this year and we have been charged to bring a "Show and Tell" to the meeting (this afternoon).  If anyone likes my presentation, I want to direct them here to get the materials.

Bottom Line, our 6th Grade Science teacher did two projects last year where we made StopMotion Videos - Sea Floor Spreading and Clouds.

Below is the video and below that is a link to my Google Folder of the original idea from the Pearson Prentice Hall Textbook, my notes on how to make it a StopMotion Video and my own video of the students making it as well as some examples.

Hope you Enjoy!

I'm Back!

I'm Back!!!!  Sometimes I think if it wasn't for Bad Luck I wouldn't have any Luck at All.  That is of course not true but 2015 has been a tumultuous year to say the least.

The first week of school I took a tumble down the stairs and well.... this lovely boot has been my foot attire for the past 3 months.  My 3rd doctor and 2nd specialist told me I had a horrific accident and it will take 12 - 18 months to heal.  Sigh.....

But, I go back to the doctor next week and I'm so hoping to get rid of this BIG Boot for a smaller one. I also hope to be walking and DRIVING by Christmas!  I'll keep you posted.

I am limping along now both personally and professionally so I plan to start up (AGAIN) with my blog.  (Well, maybe  not until AFTER the Holidays!)