Monday, April 27, 2015

PK 4 Mimes

Do not Judge Harshly
(After all they are only 4 years old)

OK.  As you can see by the title and the video these cutie patooties could have used more practice.
I had previously gotten together with the teacher and told her I wanted to do a mime in her class.  I had taken a Paper Slide and Mime class at TCEA a few years ago and she was my willing victim - I mean participant.  :)  Since it was my first one I think it was awesome.  But, next time, we will practice a little bit more - especially at the end.  I wish I had them practice all coming back together at the end - hence the 3 boys on the far right.  But.... as I said they are Four!  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wax Museum


We recently had a Live Wax Museum at First Baptist Academy.  We have been doing this for several years but this was one of the best we have had.  The 6th Grade History and Literature teacher chose different eras to represent and each of the eras had a table.  As you can see on the above picture, these two girls represent the Early Roman Empire.  The gorgeous young lady on the left represents Theodora who lived from 500-548 AD and the adorable young lady on the right is portraying Vibia Perpetua who lived from 182-203 AD.  

The girls had to do much more than dress up as characters.  As you can see they made a backboard (with velvet curtains no less) as well as pictures and other significant pictures of the era.  If you notice, hanging below the curtain is a timeline of significant happenings during their time period and on the table they have some books, a food item that was popular during the Early Roman Empire, and a laptop.  (You knew I wouldn't be posting about this if there wasn't some part of technology.)  Each group made an Animoto video which represented more significant facts about their time period.
Below are a few more groups representing the Middle Ages, the Reformation, the Roman Republic and Ancient Greece. These kids are awesome!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Digital Story-Telling


Tuesday, I gave a PD class on Digital Storytelling.  I honestly wasn't sure what Digital Storytelling was - I mean - its bringing the age old tradition of storytelling into the digital age.  Right?  As I began researching, however, I was blown away.  I had NO IDEA there are so many resources.  I began compiling my list which I will definitely share but just in a nutshell,  I can categorize them into four types.

*  Video with Pics, Music, Text and/or Narration
*  Animated Video
*  Flip Book
*  Comic Strip

Almost everything I found online is Free.  Of course they all want you to Upgrade for more features for a price and then some are free for Education - like Animoto.
I don't know everything about each of the web 2.0 tools I found but I gave a short 1 minute demo of all the tools I found and asked the teachers to take notes.  Then, I pledged to them that if they would pick out their favorite one to use in class I would do all of the extensive research and set up the students and write/teach a tutorial.  So far two teachers have responded to my follow-up email.  YES!
I have the following resources I would like to share: 

I think this has been my best class yet this year.  I would love the opportunity to present at TCEA or any other Tech PD Conference.