Thursday, December 10, 2015

Ceremony of 12

Have you ever read the book The Giver by Lois Lowrey?  I have not but its definitely on my list now. Evidently its about a fictitious idyllic community where citizens are not given any say on who they will marry, or if they will have children, or what job they will have.  In the book, there is a Ceremony of 12 in which the 12 year olds are assigned their life assignments.  Our 6th Grade Literature teacher assigned this book and then simulated the Ceremony of 12.  One of the students was assigned the Director of Technology position so he reported to our Tech Office.  For a full hour he went through the mice we used for our ERB (standardized tests) in the Spring and made sure they are all in working order.  He also made a spreadsheet.  I'm not sure if he liked his life assignment but it sure was great for us.  One task off the list for the spring!  

If you would like to view his assignment 

Monday, December 7, 2015

StopMotion in the Science Classroom

OK.  I am going to post one thing before Christmas.  I belong to an awesome group called Houston Area Independent School Collaborative (HAISC)   We are meeting four times this year and we have been charged to bring a "Show and Tell" to the meeting (this afternoon).  If anyone likes my presentation, I want to direct them here to get the materials.

Bottom Line, our 6th Grade Science teacher did two projects last year where we made StopMotion Videos - Sea Floor Spreading and Clouds.

Below is the video and below that is a link to my Google Folder of the original idea from the Pearson Prentice Hall Textbook, my notes on how to make it a StopMotion Video and my own video of the students making it as well as some examples.

Hope you Enjoy!

I'm Back!

I'm Back!!!!  Sometimes I think if it wasn't for Bad Luck I wouldn't have any Luck at All.  That is of course not true but 2015 has been a tumultuous year to say the least.

The first week of school I took a tumble down the stairs and well.... this lovely boot has been my foot attire for the past 3 months.  My 3rd doctor and 2nd specialist told me I had a horrific accident and it will take 12 - 18 months to heal.  Sigh.....

But, I go back to the doctor next week and I'm so hoping to get rid of this BIG Boot for a smaller one. I also hope to be walking and DRIVING by Christmas!  I'll keep you posted.

I am limping along now both personally and professionally so I plan to start up (AGAIN) with my blog.  (Well, maybe  not until AFTER the Holidays!)

Monday, April 27, 2015

PK 4 Mimes

Do not Judge Harshly
(After all they are only 4 years old)

OK.  As you can see by the title and the video these cutie patooties could have used more practice.
I had previously gotten together with the teacher and told her I wanted to do a mime in her class.  I had taken a Paper Slide and Mime class at TCEA a few years ago and she was my willing victim - I mean participant.  :)  Since it was my first one I think it was awesome.  But, next time, we will practice a little bit more - especially at the end.  I wish I had them practice all coming back together at the end - hence the 3 boys on the far right.  But.... as I said they are Four!  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wax Museum


We recently had a Live Wax Museum at First Baptist Academy.  We have been doing this for several years but this was one of the best we have had.  The 6th Grade History and Literature teacher chose different eras to represent and each of the eras had a table.  As you can see on the above picture, these two girls represent the Early Roman Empire.  The gorgeous young lady on the left represents Theodora who lived from 500-548 AD and the adorable young lady on the right is portraying Vibia Perpetua who lived from 182-203 AD.  

The girls had to do much more than dress up as characters.  As you can see they made a backboard (with velvet curtains no less) as well as pictures and other significant pictures of the era.  If you notice, hanging below the curtain is a timeline of significant happenings during their time period and on the table they have some books, a food item that was popular during the Early Roman Empire, and a laptop.  (You knew I wouldn't be posting about this if there wasn't some part of technology.)  Each group made an Animoto video which represented more significant facts about their time period.
Below are a few more groups representing the Middle Ages, the Reformation, the Roman Republic and Ancient Greece. These kids are awesome!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Digital Story-Telling


Tuesday, I gave a PD class on Digital Storytelling.  I honestly wasn't sure what Digital Storytelling was - I mean - its bringing the age old tradition of storytelling into the digital age.  Right?  As I began researching, however, I was blown away.  I had NO IDEA there are so many resources.  I began compiling my list which I will definitely share but just in a nutshell,  I can categorize them into four types.

*  Video with Pics, Music, Text and/or Narration
*  Animated Video
*  Flip Book
*  Comic Strip

Almost everything I found online is Free.  Of course they all want you to Upgrade for more features for a price and then some are free for Education - like Animoto.
I don't know everything about each of the web 2.0 tools I found but I gave a short 1 minute demo of all the tools I found and asked the teachers to take notes.  Then, I pledged to them that if they would pick out their favorite one to use in class I would do all of the extensive research and set up the students and write/teach a tutorial.  So far two teachers have responded to my follow-up email.  YES!
I have the following resources I would like to share: 

I think this has been my best class yet this year.  I would love the opportunity to present at TCEA or any other Tech PD Conference.  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Paper Slide

At TCEA 2013 I took a class called Paper Slide and Mime.  It is extremely low tech because most of your work is done with paper and markers.  You also need a camera or iPad - and music is optional.

Two years ago I was so excited about this class and shared it with some teachers but last week I finally got to teach all of our Primary School teachers.  I must give credit to Carol Mayo at  who conducted the TCEA class.  I used her ideas, music, and lyrics.

After I gave a brief overview of what a Paper Slide is the teachers became the “students”.   I gave them the lyrics and played the song, “Halfway Up”.   (Even though I got the song from “Hold the Mayo” I am pretty sure it originally came from “I Am Lodge” at

I divided the teachers into two groups (four and seven) and these creative teachers got to work with their markers and papers and in 15 minutes flat they were ready to record.
I am mad at myself for not taking pictures that day.  I loved watching them color and then because I had purchased a cheap tripod the teachers were forced to get on the floor to make their paper slide.  

The tripod is minus the ipad in this picture but hopefully you get the idea.  

The picture below shows how we put the iPad upside down.  Hopefully you can visually picture the teachers on the floor sliding the picture.  But honestly this is perfect for the primary grades!

And if time and money had not been a factor I would have purchased the tripod below that is made by Justand.  It can be purchased through Pro Computing and is much sturdier and flexible.  It is approximately $100 more but I think so much worth it!

I also gave the teachers some easy instructions, examples, and song sources.  If you want a copy of my handout you can click HERE

If you want to see the two paper slides they made you can click Paper Slide 1 and Paper Slide 2.

I have a 6th Grade Science Class coming up and we are doing one there so I will be sure and take pictures of it is progress next time! 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

My Mom

I have been remiss in posting lately. I wanted to be consistent with doing so but life sometimes gets in the way. My mom passed away February 4, 2015. She got sick right before the Christmas holidays and a little bit over a month later I had to say goodbye. She was 96 years old. I have been on an emotional roller coaster the last two months but more than anything I am grateful for spending so many years with her. I am also grateful my family, friends, and job and hope to very soon get back in the groove and begin posting fun and exciting things for the teachers. Thank you to everyone for their support.

If flowers grow in heaven, Lord, then pick a bunch for me.
Then place them in my mother's arms and tell her they're from me.
Tell her that I love and miss her and when she turns to smile,
Place a kiss upon her cheek and hold her for awhile.

Friday, January 30, 2015

6th Grade Tech Project

Was working in 6th grade today on a project and couldn't resist taking a picture of these three adorable 6th grade girls.  Unlike me, they prefer to sit on stools in the corner of the room with their laptops - well on their laps!  I prefer a good old fashioned table and chair with a back myself.  By the way in case you're interested.  They are working on a family album.  Their 6th Grade literature teacher told them to interview members of their family and bring in pictures and write up any interesting stories they learned.  I was blessed to hear some of the stories.  Even though their parents are young, they interviewed their grandparents who told stories about THEIR parents.  Many were immigrants and they told were heartwarming stories.  Some were just funny about going fishing and falling in a pond.  Each student was so proud to tell their stories.  The stories were done in Publisher but I converted two of them to PDFs.  The first link is one where the student scanned pictures of his family and included them in his Family Stories Album.  The 2nd link is a student who had great stories but did not bring pictures.  For those students we told them to find royalty-free pictures that related to the stories he was telling.  As you can see both did a great job.  Enjoy!

Monday, January 26, 2015

QR Scavenger Hunt

What a blast we had last week in the Tech PD Class I taught "QR Codes in the Classroom"  I used some of the slides and ideas I got from a webinar I took with Joe Martinez with TCEA and added my own.  The teachers are so excited about the many uses of QR Codes.  Then, the class culminated with The Amazing Q Race.   I honestly went overboard on the questions and the locations of the clues.  When a group would pass me they said things I can  not repeat on this blog.  But in the end they all said it was fun and they needed the exercise.

If you aren't familar with QR Codes you can check out my powerpoint by clicking HERE.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Yesterday's PD Class was so much fun.  I had 11 teachers come in and learn Animoto.  I have been using it for a couple of years and have found so many uses for it.  The first one I made was All About Me.  I plan on posting that on my About Me Page but since its two years old I have to update it first.

In teaching the class yesterday it was immediately apparent I had a mixed back of participants.  About 1/3 of the class were staff members who were attending for personal use, 1/3 were Primary and Lower School teachers and the other 1/3 were middle school teachers.  So, I just went to my own personal Animoto library and showed them my About Me video, and then I showed them one I made the day after I took my granddaughter to the zoo to duplicate what you could do for a school field trip and then I had some student examples of a book trailer, Washington, DC, and my favorite - a demo of the Alphabet.  I actually got this example directly off the Animoto website.

The students made each letter of the Alphabet out of materials and the teacher took pictures of itr.  The clincher is that the letter A was made out of Acorns, B out of tiny toy Bears, C out of Crayons.... you get the idea.  You just have to see it which you can do by clicking HERE

If you havn't tried Animoto I made a Step-by-Step Tutorial.  Check it out HERE

Monday, January 12, 2015

Virtual Field Trips, WebCams, & More

YIKES!  I'm behind.  Our Teacher In-Service was a week ago and I have not shared the resources.  I created a PowerPoint which shows as a movie.  It basically tells what a VFT is, where to find them, and some examples.

There are some links on the PP so you can access it HERE.

If you teach any of the Lower Grades I created I thought it would be fun to create excitement before the virtual field trip by sending home a PERMISSION SLIP.

And then I would be remiss if I did not share this list of links I got at a Virtual Field Trip session at TCEA.  I found this PDF on my computer but it does not show the angel who put it together so I can give credit for it.  To access this PDF, click LINKS.

Just so you know, WebCams fall under the category of Field Trips.  Be sure and check them out espeically if you want to see some adorable critters like this guy.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Just Some Random Blogging Thoughts

OK.  So I know I'm not setting the world on fire..... yet ...with all of my posts.  But at least I didn't post on January 1st and then forget about it either.  To be honest, I am still not sure of all the functionality available.  I have my Tech Integration and PD pages but as of now I can't put a picture or link on them.   The good news is I am going to TCEA in less than a month and I am taking a Google Blogging class from Tammy Worcester. She is awesome by the way.  Check out her Website HERE

Another of my resolutions is to Tweet.  That has been much easier.   You can check out my Twitter Account @pamelaarceneaux

I am only following 22 people so far but I am being selective.  I want this to be part of my PLN so if I don't think it's relevant to my PLN then I don't Follow.  With the exception of a few personal people groups i.e. my family, Texas A&M, and of course some Christian folk who twitter about Jesus and give me inspiration.

Since no one is following this blog yet to comment, (I have only told a couple of folks about it) I found some inspiration with this ARTICLE.

I really need to send the link to the teachers.  I promise to very soon!  I just like to be sure I'm successful at something before I begin sharing.  However, this year there have been exceptions.  For example, I told one of the teachers I would help her with a green screen app and I have no CLUE how to make one.  But that's what Google is for right?

Friday, January 9, 2015

Instructional Video Attention Span

Jon Bergmann, co-founder of the Flipped; Classroom movement, recommends the maximum length of an instructional video should be the student's age plus one.  In other words a 13 year old could be expected to watch a 14 minute instructional video.  Good to know!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Classroom Bingo for the iPad

Got a tweet yesterday that Classroom Bingo HD is now free.  (It was formerly $3.99)  Not sure how long it will be free but it looks pretty cool if you don't already have it.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

So Many Webcams

This weekend I have been preparing for a Teacher PD class called Virtual Field Trips.  Of course there are thousands to choose from out there but wanted to share this one website which has so many webcams that range from Africa to sharks under the ocean to Great Dane service dogs.  So much fun to share in class - Especially if you want your daily cuteness of baby pandas and penguins.  I'll be posting my entire presentation in the Teacher PD tab soon.  Enjoy!  To go to these webcams Click HERE.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Every year I make the same resolutions – eat healthy, spend more time with friends and family, travel, etc.  In addition I make goals at work which usually involve trying out new tech projects and spending more time with the teachers in the classroom.  For the most part I am fairly successful with these goals.  However, this year I want to be more concrete so I promised myself I was going to start an “Instructional Technology Blog”.  I actually got the “blogging bug” last summer when my husband and I took a 3000 mile road trip to eight of the southeast states.  I blogged the entire trip and was shocked that I got almost 2000 hits.  If you are interested you can find my Travel Blog HERE.

Two years ago I created this Google Blogger when I attended a TCEA  (Texas Computer Education Association) conference.  Side Note:  This is the absolutely the BEST Educational Tech conference I have ever been to and will be going again next month.    But when I returned from the conference, life and things continued to move so fast it sadly sat on my Google account untouched.  So, I vow this year will be different.   I want to capture my moments, projects, thoughts, and goals not just for myself but for any teachers who could benefit from my experiences as an educator, trainer, and student (because I’m always learning).  This blog will be a work in progress but am looking forward to this new journey.  I hope you enjoy it as well.